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The Biggest Mistake People Make When They’re Creating a Sales Funnel

The Biggest Mistake People Make When They’re Creating a Sales Funnel

One of the keys to a successful business is that you need to create a sales funnel. This means that you have multiple products at multiple price points for sale.

Your goal should be to get every customer to become repeat customers who buy from you again and again. For example, a typical sales funnel for a digital products business might include items such as reports, ebooks, videos, audios, webinars, and apps. The sales funnel may include the following price points:

• Free lead generators. These are high-value products you give away in order to get people onto your mailing list (and into your sales funnel).

• Entry-level products and services priced around $20 or less. These are sometimes called trip wire products because they offer a tremendous amount of value at a low price. They are “no brainer” purchases that are designed to turn prospects into cash-paying customers as quickly as possible.

• Mid-level products and services. These are products that are generally less than $100. For example, you might sell a set of training videos for $50.

• Premium products and services. These are your big-ticket items that are at least $100, but they may cost thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars.

Examples include high-end software, personal coaching/consulting, and access to weekend workshops.

• Recurring products and services. These are items for which your charge a recurring fee, such as a monthly membership fee. An example of this is charging a monthly fee to retain access to software, such as an autoresponder service.

Another example: charging a monthly fee for an ongoing product or service, such as access to a private support forum. Makes sense, right? The idea is to create multiple products and services at every price point.

Some of your customers are going to buy everything in your funnel, while others are going to pick and choose the best products for them. Still others may buy multiple products, but they won’t ever spend over a certain dollar amount (such as over $50) for each individual product. And then you’ll have the customers who’ll skip your entry level products completely and go right to your premium offerings. You need to create a sales funnel that can accommodate each of these types of customers. Now here’s where many business owners make a grave mistake…

They put their sales funnel together as they go. In other words, they don’t really plan it – they just play it by ear. The reason this is a mistake is because ideally you want to cross-promote your products and services within your sales funnel. If your products and services really don’t go together that well, then you’re going to have poor conversion rates. So here’s what you need to do instead…

Think of your sales funnel as a slippery slide. People who are interested in your free lead-generator product should be super-interested in your trip wire product. Those who buy your trip wire product should want to get their hands on your mid-level products. Anyone who wants your mid-level products should be dying to get their hands on your premium offerings.

For example…

• Anyone who gets a free dieting report from you will be interested in purchasing a low-calorie cookbook.

• Those who buy the cookbook will want the mid-level products, which include items such as complete diet guide and a meal-planning app.

• Those who get the guide will want to join the private support forum (with the recurring monthly fee).

• Those who join the forum will want to get personalized meal plans and training routines from you (high-ticket coaching). In sum… Each product in your sales funnel should compliment every other product in your funnel, which makes it easy for you to cross-promote them. Now here’s where a lot of business owners stumble…

They create a lot of entry-level products, but they don’t know how to create mid-level or premium products. The good news is that it’s a lot easier than you think—and there even some pretty slick ways to get others to create premium products for you, for FREE.

Do you want to know these secrets? Then check out the Product Profits Club at— and do it today while you can still sneak in the backdoor for free. Check it out!

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc. &

What’s Blocking YOUR Path to Business Success?

What’s Blocking YOUR Path to Business Success?

Some people think that the reason they can’t get their business off the ground is because they don’t have the right tools, knowledge, experience or business plans.

Sure, all of those things are important.

But if you don’t have the right mindset, then all the best tools, resources and money in the world don’t mean a darn thing. Because without the right mindset, you won’t ever find the success you’re seeking. So with that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most common mindset obstacles that can hold you back from achieving your business goals…

Obstacle 1: Negative People It would be nice if all your closest friends and family completely supported you, but that’s not usually what happens. Instead, what you’ll find out is that many of your loved ones end up being nay-saying, negative people.

It’s one thing when strangers laugh at your dreams and ridicule it. It’s another thing entirely when someone you love does it to you. It hurts. It can make you second guess your business ideas and plans. Yes, it can destroy your business plans altogether.

But that’s only if you let these negative people get to you. If you can push past their negativity, then you’ll be one step closer to your goals. Take Walt Disney as an example.

His banker wouldn’t loan him any money because he thought Disney’s idea for an animated film was ridiculous. His wife didn’t think there was an audience for it either. His own brother laughed in his face when Disney showed him the prototype for what would become Mickey Mouse.

Of course you know how this story ends. Disney was able to brush past the ridicule, the nay-saying, the doubting and the negativity. Today the Disney company is one of the largest and most profitable entertainment empires in the world, with books, movies, theme parks, TV shows and more. So let that sink in for a moment…

If Walt Disney had listened to all the negative voices around him, Mickey Mouse and Walt Disney World wouldn’t even exist today. Trust me, you’re going to get bombarded by negative voices too.

You need to learn how to tune them out and not let them distract you from your business plans and dreams.

You may need to stop talking business with the negative people in your life. If someone is too negative (about everything), you may even consider cutting them out of your life – or at least spending less time with them – because you don’t need that sort of toxicity around you. Next up… Obstacle 2: Not Believing in Yourself It’s hard enough when others ridicule your ideas or doubt your plans.

But sometimes that negative voice is your own. If you listen really closely, you may find your inner critic saying:

• This will never work.

• Who am I kidding?

• This is a waste of my time.

• I’m too old/young/inexperienced/stupid to do this. The first step is to simply learn to listen for this voice. It’s probably already playing in an endless loop, but you’re not always aware of it because you’re so used to it. Once you hear it, then you need to put it in its place. Counteract it. Talk back to it. For example:

• This will work because I’ve done the research and I’m persistent. • I’m smart enough to do this. I have experience.

• This is a good idea.

• The world needs this, and I need to deliver it to them. Once you get in the habit of recognizing and then counteracting your own negative critic, it will release its hold on you. Then you’ll be able to move forward more easily with your dreams and your plans.

Obstacle 3: Fear This is a huge dream killer. It might be fear of failure. It might be fear of success. It could just be the all-encompassing fear of the unknown.

Many people prefer to stick with the familiar, even if it means tossing their dreams to the wayside. Thing is, fear doesn’t always grip you with icy fingers. It doesn’t always come in a recognizable form. Many times it just sort of sneaks up on you and sabotages your business. Here are three disguises it takes on:

• Procrastination. This is pretty obvious when this happens. You start off the day with good intentions, but when it’s over you realize you didn’t do anything. Instead, you fiddled around on Facebook or watched videos on YouTube.

Maybe you even went offline and did something else. But the point is, you procrastinated and didn’t make any progress towards your business goals.

• Perfectionism. This is a tricky one, because society supports people who do a good job. So when someone never gets anything done because they’re trying to get it “perfect,” they can just tell themselves it’s a good thing that they’re doing a good job.

But guess what?

Nothing will ever be perfect. And once you realize that, you’ll be able to release products, launch business ideas and unleash websites on the world when they’re good (but not necessarily perfect), because you know you can always fix them as you go.

Take any software company as an example – they release good software, even though they know it’s not perfect. Once it’s out in the wild, then real users help them find the flaws so they can fix them. Point is, perfectionism isn’t the quest for the best – often it’s just fear in disguise.

Because if you never release anything, then you don’t have to worry about failing (or succeeding).

• Busy-work. This is where you find yourself extremely busy from morning until night, but you don’t actually get the important stuff done. For example, you set out to do market research. A week later all you’ve done is read forum post after forum post, which you’ve convinced yourself is important work.

Chances are it’s just busywork, because if you don’t work on the big stuff, then you never have to worry about failure or success (because you’ll never launch anything).

Point is, learn to recognize these disguises as fear. Then feel the fear and do it anyway, because nothing melts fear like purposeful action. Will You Choose Success?

Most people don’t realize that success is a choice – and you can make your choice right now.

You can choose to keep doing what you’ve always been doing… which means you’ll keep getting what you’ve always been getting. Day in, day out. Same thing. Same level of success. Same income. Same lifestyle. Same level of excitement (or boredom) that you’ve always had.

The alternative is for you to choose success right now. You can choose more fun, more excitement and more money as your business dreams come true.

If you choose success, then all you need to do is tweak your mindset so that you’re ready to handle whatever life throws at you. Fear melts away.

Comments from negative people bounce off you like you’re made of Teflon. You find yourself excited and motivated every day to get up and work on your business.

So how do you make these sorts of mindset tweaks? Simple, you go right now to Get the right mindset, and nothing can you hold you back. Find out for yourself by checking out the link right now.

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc. &

This employee NEVER takes a day off!

This employee NEVER takes a day off!

Here’s a smart way to save your business $1,800 this year or get back 90 hours or more of your time and free yourself to do something more productive instead…

In a recent Promote Labs survey over 70% of web business owners said they spend an average 15 minutes per day answering support and pre/post sale questions.

Build Your Own Smart Chat Bot Here

It’s not HUGE but it does stack up fast and as your business grows so do the demands on your time.

Support comes with a cost too.

If you outsource: 15 Minutes Per Day @ $20 Per Hour = $1,800 a year

If you do it yourself: It’s 90 hours you could be doing more productive tasks.

Which means – A chat bot built to handle support will save you money or give you back LOTS of time!

Here’s just a few ways a bot can help:

– Keep customers happy with 24/7 ‘always there’ support.
– Save time by answering repetitive or common questions.
– Reduce refunds by helping frustrated/confused buyers.
– Save costs of live chat or help-desk services fees.
– Minimize support staffing costs.

And unlike support staff, your bots won’t get tired, they won’t arrive late at the office and they’ll never call in sick.

You could teach your bot to answer common questions like:

“Do you have set up instructions/videos”
“How can I access my products/downloads”
“How do I install this app/software”
“How do I reset my password?”
“Where are the set up instructions?”
“How do I unzip a file”
“Do you have an affiliate program”
“Can I get a discount”
“How much is shipping to … “

And potentially thousands more…

Click Here

That’s why training a support bot will likely be an ongoing process but you only ever need to answer a question once. Once you’ve saved an answer, the next time your bot is asked that question it will know how to reply and respond accordingly.

And that’s an easy way to create a great first impression!

And the cool thing is if you secure an account at ChitChatChimp today you’ll benefit from:

ZERO CHAT LIMITS – Your bots can have UNLIMITED monthly chats.
NO ANSWER LIMITS – No limits on how many answers you add to your bot.
NO TRICKY CODING – Create your first bot in just a few minutes.

Go build a support bot – Your customers will thank you for it!
Build Your Own Smart Chat Bot TODAY!

NOTE: You can add bots to any kind of page including Shopify stores, WordPress sites (great for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads) and they great with mobile too 🙂

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc.

Are You Making These Traffic and Marketing Mistakes?

Are You Making These Traffic and Marketing Mistakes?

Ask just about any online marketer on the planet if they have enough traffic, and I bet the answer is “no.” Even the marketers who’re pulling down the huge traffic numbers want more traffic. And the reason is pretty simple: because more traffic equals more customers, more sales and more cash.

However, while most marketers want more traffic, there’s also a good chunk of marketers who’re making some deadly traffic mistakes. That’s right, they’re shooting themselves in the foot and settling for a trickle of traffic when they could be so much more. Are you making these deadly traffic and marketing mistakes too? Find out by reading on…

Mistake 1: Cherry-Picking Traffic Methods You’ve probably read a ton of books, blog posts, articles and other materials about getting traffic. Maybe you’ve even started developing a plan for which traffic methods you’re going to use and which ones you’re going to skip. Hold up there for a second…

If you’re completely skipping a traffic method because you think or even know that it won’t work, then that’s one thing.

For example, trying to generate traffic from some decade-old, untargeted source like a “start page” exchange is pretty fruitless. If you read about this in some old traffic report then yeah…

feel free to ignore it. What I’m talking about are ignoring proven traffic methods that are sure to bring targeted traffic to your site.

For example:

• You don’t feel like building a list or publishing a blog, because you don’t really feel like developing and committing to a publishing schedule.

• You don’t want to get joint venture partners or affiliates, because you’re happier working alone.

• You thumb your nose at social media, even though your target market is young and known to hang out on Facebook all day. So what if there is a traffic method that you don’t really feel like doing? Then hire someone to do it for you. Because if you want to build a thriving business, don’t skip over a promising traffic method just because you don’t feel like doing it yourself.

Mistake 2: Not Being Consistent Sometimes marketers start off really enthusiastic about driving traffic to their site. They start running ads, doing content swaps, blogging, setting up a Facebook page, optimizing their pages for the search engines, setting up an affiliate program… and so on.

This goes on for a few weeks, and the traffic starts coming in at a nice clip. So when the marketer sees all the targeted traffic filling up his traffic logs, he diverts his attention and starts working on something else. Many marketers think that if they stop working on their marketing, that somehow the traffic will just keep coming in on its own.

Of course it doesn’t work that way. Content swaps lose effectiveness as the content drops off the blogger’s front page. Affiliates start to lose interest and go seek out other opportunities. Facebook fans and blog readers drift away when they realize there hasn’t been any new content in a while.

The competitors in the search engines knock your pages out of the top spots. And of course paid ads don’t bring in any visitors once you stop the campaigns. So here’s the point…

If you want to keep the traffic not only coming in but building over time, you need to do something every day to increase your traffic.

For example, you may do one or more of the following every day:

• Recruit new affiliates or joint venture partners. You might make it a goal to find five new partners before the week is out.

• Send an email to marketing partners. At a minimum, you can send them new tools to help their promotions, such as new ads, blog posts and graphics. If you really want to get them hopping, then send out an announcement about an upcoming affiliate contest.

• Post something on your blog, on someone else’s blog, or on social media. Or do all three. Aim for something that will engage readers and start up a discussion.

• Create a viral video. This could be something funny, super-useful or even controversial. Then post it on social media and see if you get any traction.

• Send an email to your list. Then make it a point to do this regularly, as the only way to build a good relationship with them is by sending your list engaging content on at least a weekly basis.

• Start up a Facebook ad campaign. Just be sure to use the ad platform’s power tool to get your ad in front of as targeted an audience as possible. And so on. In short: Small steps on a consistent basis lead to big results over time. And now the third mistake…

Mistake 3: Skipping the Tracking and Testing Many marketers waste a lot of time and money chasing after advertising strategies that simply don’t work for them. Maybe they’re using ineffective ads or calls to action. Maybe their lead pages suck.

Or maybe they’re even posting ads in places where they’re getting very little action. Why on earth would someone keep throwing money and time at advertising that doesn’t work?

Simple: Because these marketers have no idea their advertising doesn’t work. And you know what? Unless you are tracking and testing your ad campaigns, you too might be wasting a lot of money and time running lousy ads. So what you need to do is start keeping careful track of what works and what doesn’t.

You’ll need a tool to track and statistically test your ads and campaigns. You can find plenty of tools around, such as Google Analytics, or the open-source alternative at Check your other tools, which may have built in tracking.

One good example is your email service provider, as many of the big providers can track open and click-through rates. Once you decide what you’re going to test, then be sure to test just one element of your ad campaign at a time.

That way, you can be confident that any change in the conversion rate is due to that one element, rather than something else. For example, if you’re testing the best time of the day to send emails – 9:00am or 9:00pm — then you need to randomly split your list into two groups and send out the exact same email to both groups.

If everything else about the emails is exactly the same, then you’ll know that any difference in conversion rate is due to the time it was sent out. Conclusion These three mistakes seem pretty simple, and yet you’ll face dismal amounts of traffic if you make these mistakes too.

So be sure to test everything, diversify your traffic methods, and take consistent steps every day to build your traffic. Of course the question is, what all should you be doing to build traffic?

And another one: what is the best way to bring in targeted traffic?

The answers to these questions can make or break your business, which is why you’ll want to get your answers from the best source around: But don’t take my word for it – check it out for yourself by clicking the link above to find out what you’ve been missing. And do it now, before this very special offer disappears.

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc. &

Conversion Gorilla!  Why Is Everyone Going Bananas Over This?

Conversion Gorilla! Why Is Everyone Going Bananas Over This?

Seems like everyone has Conversion Gorilla fever. People can’t stop talking about it. Marketers everywhere can’t believe how well it works to boost conversions, subscribers and sales. Even seasoned pros are singing its praises because they’re seeing firsthand just how well it works.

All of this buzz got me curious… does Conversion Gorilla really live up to the hype? Or is everyone going bananas over nothing?

Maybe you have the same questions. You want to separate the marketing hype from the reality. And that’s exactly why I’ve taken the time to review this app from top to bottom and share the truth about it with you.

Take a look…

Just what is Conversion Gorilla, anyway?

You’ve probably heard that Conversion Gorilla is a good way to boost conversions and sales. But maybe you’re wondering how, exactly, it works its magic.

The answer…

Conversion Gorilla is an attention bar and countdown timer rolled into one. It works hard to grab attention with an easily customizable attention bar where you can put most any kind of offer or announcement. For example:

•  Special offers, such as a discount coupon code.
•  Flash sale announcements.
•  Product launch announcements.
•  Breaking industry news.
•  Product or service benefits.
•  Testimonials.
•  Video sales letters.
•  Advertisements.
•  Opt-in offers.
•  Exit offers.
•  Upsells.
•  Redirects to related content or offers.
•  Welcome messages on any web page.
•  Affiliate bonus announcements (you can even overlay these on third-party sites if you use Conversion Gorilla Pro).

And that’s not even an exhaustive list! It’s only limited to your imagination. If you have an important bit of content or a special offer to share, you can make sure your visitors see it by using an attention bar.

One really great option is that Conversion Gorilla also lets you add countdown timers to any of your attention bars. That means you can add a sense of urgency and boost conversions.

For example:

•  Count down to a product launch.
•  Tick away the hours and minutes left during a flash sale.
•  Count down the minutes left to take advantage of a one-time offer.
•  Show how much time left to enter a contest.
•  Display how much time remains before a special event (like a webinar) starts.

Plus much, much more. If you want to light a fire under your visitors, then one of the very best ways to do it is with a countdown timer. And Conversion Gorilla makes it easy to add a countdown timer to any or your notification bars!

And that’s not the only way Conversion Gorilla is customizable. All you have to do is log into your Conversion Gorilla dashboard, and with just a few clicks of your mouse you can fully control the look and behavior of your attention bar. This includes:

•  Changing the color and size of the attention bar.
•  Inserting any text you want to appear on the bar.
•  Tweaking the appearance of the font (e.g., bold, italics, etc.).
•  Changing the look of your call to action button.
•  Inserting images or videos.
•  Deciding when the bar appears (e.g., immediately, on exit, after a set amount of time, etc.).

You don’t need to know anything about coding to make these changes – all you have to do is point and click from within your Conversion Gorilla dashboard. And once you’ve created the bar to your liking (which literally takes just a couple minutes), all you have to do is copy and paste a small bit of code into your web page where you want your bar to appear.

It’s fantastically easy!

Does Conversion Gorilla Work?

You bet it does. Some marketers are reporting getting up to 700% more clicks on their attention bars versus using on page links and buttons. So, if you’re still using on-page calls to action, then you’re definitely going to want to give Conversion Gorilla a try!

Another benefit of this app is that you’ll know instantly whether it’s working. That’s because Conversion Gorilla includes your basic built-in statistics, so you can log into your dashboard and see with a quick glance which of your attention bars are getting clicks, opt-ins and other conversions.

If you see an attention bar that’s not getting the clicks, you can change the text, color, offer or anything else directly from your dashboard, and your attention bar will instantly update on your website. You don’t need to fiddle with code, you don’t need to re-insert anything into your web pages, and you don’t need to do any FTPing or other file uploads. Conversion Gorilla makes it easy to change your attention bars in a snap and on the fly!

Finally, another big benefit of Conversion Gorilla is that it’s been tested to work across devices and platforms. Whether your visitor is viewing your web page from a big desktop PC or from their iPhone, you can rest assured they’re seeing (and clicking on!) your attention bars.

Are There Any Downsides?

Like any tool, Conversion Gorilla isn’t 100% perfect. As a personal preference, I’d like to see more font options to really customize the look and feel of the attention bars. However, you can easily work around this by using images in the attention bar.

That’s just my opinion. If you’re using fairly standard fonts on your website, then this may not be an issue for you at all.

But here’s why any potential downside is really not a problem at all…

This software is developed and maintained by Simon Hodgkinson and Jeremy Gislason, who are well-known in the industry for providing outstanding support for all of their apps and other products. And one thing they’ve always done is accepted feature requests from their customers. If you think that adding a specific feature would be beneficial to you and other users, let the developers know… and there’s a good chance they’ll add that feature in the next update.

Indeed, Hodgkinson and Gislason are constantly improving all of their products, and I expect Conversion Gorilla is no different. Though as the features get added, the price is bound to go up – so that’s why it makes sense to buy now while you can still lock in a really low price.

Check it out here:

The Verdict?

Here’s the bottom-line question: is Conversion Gorilla right for you?

If you’re a web developer or otherwise well-versed in coding languages, then Conversion Gorilla is probably more of a luxury rather than a necessity for you. If you can already create attention bars and countdown timers in two minutes or less – and change them on the fly across all your websites – then you don’t really need this tool.

For the rest of us, however, Conversion Gorilla is a really valuable tool. It makes it quick and easy to create attention bars, with or without conversion-boosting countdown timers. And in turn, these attention bars are a powerful and effective way to direct your traffic, generate more opt-ins, more clicks, more sales, and more conversions.

Click Here

Now here’s the best part…

Conversion Gorilla is completely risk free. If you’re not sure if it’s right for you – if you’re not totally convinced that this is a quick and easy way to start getting better results and a higher ROI from all your traffic – you can try it for 30 days risk free. Put it to work, kick the tires for a full month. If you’re not thrilled with this app for any reason, simply contact the developers within 30 days for a full and prompt refund.

Fair enough?

So, go ahead and check out the demo and learn more about Conversion Gorilla by clicking here:

And do it now, because you’re going to like what it does for your bottom line!

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc.

Five Surefire Ways to Increase Conversions and Sales

Five Surefire Ways to Increase Conversions and Sales

If you’re like most online marketers, small business owners, bloggers or other website owners, then you’re always looking for ways to increase your conversions and sales. After all, it’s just smart business to make the most of your traffic. If you can boost your ROI, then you’ll be putting more money in your pocket at the end of every day.

Now here’s the thing…

You don’t do one grand gesture in order to increase your conversions and sales. Instead, you take a series of small steps. And collectively, these small steps add up to BIG results.

What sort of steps should you take? Below you’ll find five surefire ways to boost your conversions and sales.

And the best part?

You can implement every single one of these ideas using one simple website feature: attention bars. More on that in just a few moments. But first, take a look at these ideas…

#1. Present an exit offer.

A lot of marketers figure if a visitor is leaving their site, then that visitor wasn’t really targeted or interested. And that assumption is a big mistake.

Here’s why…

Just because a visitor is leaving doesn’t mean they’re saying “no” to everything. They’ve just said “no” to whatever they’ve seen so far. And if you dangle the right offer in front of them, you might just get an enthusiastic “YES!”

Let’s suppose someone is looking at your $97 software offer. They’re interested, but maybe it’s not in their budget just yet.

So, what happens?

When they leave your sales page, they’re gone for good. They probably won’t be back. And yet, this is a qualified prospect who is interested in what you’re selling. They just haven’t seen the right offer yet.

Here’s what you do: when they leave your sales page, make them an offer they can’t refuse. For example:

•  Give them a free trial.
•  Give them a low-cost trial.
•  Offer a “lite” version of the software at a reduced price.
•  Give them a discount coupon for the full version of the software.

Now what does your prospect say? “YES!” And you just saved a sale and created a customer!


#2. Get visitors on your list.

This is pretty basic, but it’s a strategy that plenty of marketers still overlook. Simply put, you need to work hard to get as many of your visitors on your mailing list as possible. That way, you can follow up with them via email over time to close the sale.

Remember, a person leaving your site isn’t saying, “no.” They might be saying, “not yet,” or “maybe.” And when you get them on your mailing list, you can turn that “maybe” into a definite yes.

Next idea…

#3. Offer an exciting bonus.

If you’re an affiliate, then it’s no secret you’re competing against hundreds or even thousands of other affiliates who are all selling the exact same thing.

Think about that for a moment.

Saying, “Hey, buy this thing through this link” isn’t going to be enough to pocket those commissions. To meet that goal, you need to do two things:

1.Develop a good reputation in the niche. Obviously, this isn’t something you do in a short amount of time. This is an ongoing task that requires you to promote good products, do so in an honest way, and really help your audience.

2.Add value to every offer. In other words, offer prospects a bonus if they purchase a product through your affiliate link.

This second one is really effective, and it’s something you can start doing immediately. Simply offer a related, valuable bonus that’s in high-demand, and you’ll see your conversion rates get a huge boost. And for obvious reasons – people like to get the most bang for their buck, so they’re going to use the affiliate link that gives them more value for their money.


#4. Upsell your customers.

You’ve got a prospect sitting on your order form with their credit card in hand. Prospects don’t get much hotter than this. He’s in the buying mood. And that’s why now is the very best time to suggest that he add something to his order. In other words, offer an upsell or cross-sell of a product that will enhance the use and/or enjoyment of the main product.

For example, let’s suppose you have someone who’s ordering a meal-planning app from you for the purposes of losing weight. Offer an accompanying diet guide or low-calorie cookbook as a cross-sell, and you’re sure to boost your average per-transaction price.

Here’s another idea for boosting conversions and sales…

#5. Display a countdown timer.

Sometimes your prospects are interested in your offer. But for whatever reason, they put off the actual purchase. They bookmark your page and tell themselves they’ll come back to it later.

You can guess what happens, right?

Yep, “later” never comes. The person loses interest in your product once the excitement of the sales pitch wears off. Or life gets in the way, and they totally forget about your offer.

What’s the solution to saving these sales?

You need to stir up a sense of urgency. You need to make people feel like they need to purchase RIGHT NOW… or risk missing out. Yes, you need to create a little fear.

You know what creates just the right amount of order-boosting fear? A limited time offer. And to make it even more powerful, you can match this offer with a countdown timer that’s visually ticking down the hours, minutes and seconds left before the offer expires. It’s a powerful way to boost the sense of urgency – and your sales!

Now here’s the best part about all of these ideas…

You can implement every single one of these ideas using an attention bar. Specifically:

1.Put an offer in an attention bar that appears when the visitor is intending to leave your site.

2.Display your opt-in offer using a well-placed attention bar (preferably one that appears after a delay).

3.Insert your affiliate bonus offer in an attention bar, and then overlay this attention bar directly on the sales page. (Yes, that’s completely possible when using iFrame technology.)

4.Place your upsell offer in an attention bar on the order form to really call attention to it.

5.Put a countdown timer in an attention bar that displays on a sales page, or even on some other page of your site to advertise a flash sale or other special offer.

In short, using attention bars is a GREAT way to boost your conversion and sales. Because not only can you use these attention bars in the five ways described above, but you can put them to work for you in countless other ways as well. You can use them to:

•  Reiterate a big benefit.
•  Insert a powerful testimonial.
•  Place videos or images in them to draw attention.
•  Use countdown timers to create urgency on any sort of offer.
•  Persuade prospects to join your list.
•  Announce new products, sales or news.
•  Direct prospects to related offers.
•  Encourage people to request more information.

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Simply put, attention bars work like crazy because they’re eye-catching without being eye sores!

But for a lot of marketers, this strategy poses a problem…

Namely, the average marketer or small business owner simply has no idea how to create one of these bars. They don’t have the coding know-how. And even those who know a bit about coding don’t know how to create professional-looking bars that appear at specific times.

Now here’s the good news…

You can start creating your own conversion-boosting attention bars in as few as two minutes – no coding knowledge or skills required!


By using the web-based Conversion Gorilla app.

This is a point-and-click easy way to create beautiful, powerful, and high-converting attention bars. And these bars are fully customizable with a click of your mouse, including:

•  Insert conversion-boosting countdown timers.

•  Decide when, how and where your attention bars will appear on your page.

•  Get the ability to overlay your attention bars on other peoples’ websites, such as your affiliate link.

•  Change the colors, font, size and more with a click of your mouse.

•  Change your attention bar on the fly in your dashboard, and it instantly updates across your sites.

And so much more. Conversion Gorilla makes it easy for anyone to boost conversions and sales using cutting-edge attention bar technology.

Ready to see it in action for yourself? Check out the demo here:

And then grab your account to put this powerful tool to work for you!

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc.