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Boost Conversion With A ‘Training’ Bot

Boost Conversion With A ‘Training’ Bot

We’ve been talking about the different ways you can use chat bots to power up your business – We’ve already covered sales*, support* and feedback gathering*, now we’re looking at TRAINING…!/(opens in a new tab)

How does it work?

Now this type of bot is going to take a little longer to set up than most because you’ll want to pre-load it with lots of information, but the rewards will be worth it.

Here’s what you do: Pre-load your bot with lots of questions and answers about a specific topic or curriculum.

Your bot doesn’t have to know everything to start, but lots of pre-loaded questions combined with ongoing questions from your users will ensure it will quickly become an “expert” with massive ROI potential.

Here are just 6 examples:

– A bot that can give advice and support to new parents.
– A bot that teaches them how to house train a puppy.
– A bot that can guide customers through a complex instructions.
– A bot that can teach your readers how to bake a cake.
– A bot that can train site members how to use Facebook.
– A bot that can train users how to launch their products.

That list is limitless!

You could easily build an entire business around your smart assistant/teaching bots and charge for access.

– Use a training bot to boost engagement and make your site sticky.
– Use a training bot as an extra bonus to boost your product sales.
– Use a training bot as a membership perk to increase stick rates.
– Use a training bot as part of a high ticket coaching program.
– Use a training bot to make targeted affiliate recommendations.

Once you have created your bot adding it to your website is easy, just add the code snippet.

Then to maintain your bot and keep things updated, simply login to your ChitChatChimp dashboard from any web browser (great if you are travelling) and add more pre-loaded questions/answers or add new replies to unanswered questions as they come in.

Your visitors, customers and members are ALREADY waiting for this!

Click Here

The real beauty of this is that your users are essentially talking to you, asking you questions -It’s just that now “you” can have multiple simultaneous training sessions and “you” can have them 24 hours per day, seven days per week and 365 days per year… even when your on vacation and lazing by the pool.

And the cool thing is if you secure your account today you’ll benefit from:

ZERO CHAT LIMITS – Your bots can have UNLIMITED monthly chats.

NO ANSWER LIMITS – No limits on how many answers you add to your bot.

NO TRICKY CODING – Create your first bot in just a few minutes.

Build a training bot – Your Visitors Will Thank You For It!

NOTE: You can add bots to any kind of page including Shopify stores, WordPress sites (great for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads) and they great with mobile too 🙂


Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc.

Boost Conversions & Sales With A Bot…

Boost Conversions & Sales With A Bot…

As you already know, typical sales conversions fall somewhere between 1% – 5% – That means, even on a good day, 95 out of every 100 people who visit your site will leave empty handed…

It sucks!

We’ve come to expect it – It’s a ‘norm’… but it doesn’t have to be.

If you work hard to bring traffic to your site (or pay for the privilege) all those visitors leaving empty handed is a HUGE waste of time and money.

Click Here


Here’s two of them:

ANSWERING PRE-SALES QUESTIONS: No matter how good your sales copy, it will never answer every question your prospects have. They’ll have lots, all racing round their mind while their mouse finger hovers over your buy button.

The more questions left unanswered, the less likely you’ll ever get to see their cash.


Answer their questions immediately. End doubts right on the page and remove any resistance to speed your buyers through to a completed sale.

There’s an added benefit too – Because your bot saves unanswered questions (and all chat logs) you’ll be sitting on a GOLDMINE OF DATA and insight you’ve never had before.

With Chit Chat Chimp you can use this valuable intel to tweak your sales pitch or restructure your offers making them even more attractive.

OFFERING INCENTIVES TO GET SALES: Sometimes even the best offers need a little ‘something extra’ to tip people over the buying line.

Set up your chat bot to ‘bribe’ visitors into buying right now. You can pre-load your bot with questions and answers along with custom greeting messages. So why not set the tone with an incentive?

Train your bot to offer special bonuses, discount coupons, free shipping, two for ones, extended guarantees, trials or other perks that you know will encourage visitors to take action right there and then.

If you leave visitors to go away and ‘think things over‘ then most likely you’ve already lost the sale.

And a chat bot is the PERFECT way to implement this tactic making the visitor feel special and rewarded. Using a chat bot also works better than just offering a perk somewhere on your page where it will be easily missed.

It certainly doesn’t feel like an ‘extra’ to your visitor because everyone gets it.

But when it’s offered by bot it feels real, it feels special in the same way when a salesman in a store adds something extra to ‘sweeten the deal’ for you in person.

Try both of these ideas out today and we guarantee you’ll see immediate positive results.

Go build a sales bot and ramp up your conversions right now


NOTE: You can add bots to any kind of page including Shopify stores, WordPress sites (great for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads) and they great with mobile too 🙂

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc.

Does Your Lead Page Totally Suck?

Does Your Lead Page Totally Suck?

Imagine this…

You create an awesome lead magnet. You’ve done your market research, so you know your prospects are going to fall all over themselves to get their hands on this product by joining your list. You’ve uploaded a killer set of autoresponder emails so build relationships with these subscribers and close the sale.

You’re just about counting your money already, because you know this email series is going to turn leads into buyers. So then you unleash your lead page on the world. You’re driving traffic like crazy. Your traffic logs are blowing up like a sumo wrestler at an “all you can eat” buffet. But despite rocking the traffic logs, not much else is happening. Tell you what, when you get a huge influx of traffic but just a trickle of traffic, then something is seriously wrong. If the traffic is targeted and the lead magnet is pretty darn awesome, then you gotta figure your lead page isn’t up to par.

So let’s go over the top two problems with lead pages and how to fix them…

Problem 1: Bad Page Design Copywriters will tell you that you could write your ad copy on a piece of toilet paper, and if the message was good enough then people would read every single word. That sentiment makes copywriters feel all warm and cozy, but it won’t boost your conversion rate.

You might just have people bouncing off your lead page within a second or two. So much for building a big list, eh?

Truth is, your page design DOES matter. That’s because your page’s design is what creates the first impression. It only takes a second to make this first impression, and if it’s not favorable then people will click off the page. Let me give you an analogy…

When your house is clean, your visitors don’t specifically notice just how clean it is. But if you had trash piled to the ceilings in every room, you can bet every single visitor who walked through your door would notice. Same goes for your web design. When you have a clean, polished design, most people don’t specifically notice the design. But toss a bad design in front of them, and every single person who comes to your site will notice (and maybe even gasp in horror as if you had trash piled to the virtual ceilings).

Point is, you absolutely need to present a clean, polished website. So maybe you’re not a web designer, and maybe you’re not ready to drop the $1000+ some fancy-pants, latte-drinking designer wants. No problem. Because you don’t need to have any design skills when you have this tool: landingpagemonkey.comm/special/. This app creates modern, cutting-edge lead pages for you with just a couple clicks of the mouse. You never again have to worry about losing visitors to bad design, because Landing Page Monkey can even create the latest in lead page design, such as inserting a background video with just a couple mouse clicks. Point is, if you don’t know a lick about web design, then stop trying to do it yourself. If your page screams “amateur hour,” then you bet your visitors will think your products and services are old and outdated as well.

So be sure to make a great first impression by showcasing your goods using stunning lead-page design. Next up… Problem 2: Ineffective Copy While design is important in making that great first impression, it’s your actual sales copy that’s going to turn these visitors into subscribers. Now here’s the problem…

A lot of list-builders don’t know a thing about writing good copy. And even those marketers who do know how to write sales copy don’t necessarily write good copy. That’s because they know their lead magnet rocks, but they have a hard time explaining to visitors why it rocks. So let me share with you a few tips for writing awesome sales copy that grabs your visitors’ attention and gets them filling out your opt-in form…

Tip 1: Know Your Audience Before you write even one word of copy, you need to learn as much as you can about your audience. Best way to do this is to become a part of your target market for a couple days. Do the things they do. Hang out in the Facebook groups and forums where they congregate, and eavesdrop like crazy. For example, if you’re targeting golfers, then go golfing this weekend and spend several hours reading golf forums, groups, blog discussions and even product reviews. Point is, the more you know about your target audience, the easier it will be for you to write copy that really connects with them and appeals to them. Next up…

Tip 2: Focus on Benefits When your visitors land on your lead page, they want to know what’s in it for them. Your headline, your bullets and nearly every word of your copy needs to deliver the answer. That’s why your copy should focus on the benefits – i.e., what will users get if they join your list?

Tip 3: Arouse Curiosity Showcasing your lead magnet’s biggest benefits will help whip up desire for your product and move people toward the opt-in form. You can give them an extra push by arousing their curiosity about a product benefit. That is, you tell prospects they’ll get a benefit, but you leave it a mystery as to how it all works. For example, maybe you have a weight loss report, and you say something like this: “Discover the ancient herb that melts fat like crazy – it’s probably already in your cupboard!”

See how that works?

First you promise a benefit (melting fat like crazy), and then you pique your prospect’s curiosity about which herb might deliver this exciting benefit. They only way they can find out is by joining your list, so they’ll do just that in order to satisfy their curiosity. So good design+ strong benefits + curiosity = one awesome lead page that converts like crazy for you. So Now Your Lead Page Rocks: What’s Next? If you follow the simple tips above, you’re sure to boost your conversion rate. Polished, clean design welcomes people to read your lead page, and good copy keeps them hook so they’ll drop their email address in your opt-in form. Of course getting people to join your list is just one small part of building a big, profitable list.

Once they’ve subscribed, you need to find a way to hold their attention, open all your emails, and click on your links. How do you do this? It’s not something I can tell you how to do in one simple article. But the good news is that someone else has already put together loads of information for you to use to build your own profitable mailing list.

And you can get your hands on it right now by clicking here: What you’ve heard is true: the money really IS in the list. A good mailing list is one of the most profitable business assets you’ll ever own. So find out how to start creating this kind of list for yourself by clicking the link above – and just wait until you see your subscription numbers grow like crazy!

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc. &

How to Find a Great Freelancer to Create Awesome Products for You

How to Find a Great Freelancer to Create Awesome Products for You

If you’re in the business of selling digital products such as books, videos or even apps, then you know just how hard it is to create all these products yourself. Is it possible?

You bet.

As long as you don’t mind growing your business at a snail’s pace. If watching your competitors overtake you and swipe your market share doesn’t bother you, then you can try to do everything yourself. However, here’s a better idea: hire professional freelancers to help you out.

These freelancers can create products for you, create content, and even help you market your business. Best of all, freelancers can often do this work better and more quickly than you can. But there’s a catch…

A good freelancer can help you grow your business… while a bad freelancer can waste your time, waste your money and cause you a lot of headaches. That simple fact often turns business owners off from hiring freelancers. But don’t let it stop you, because you’re about to discover how to find and H.I.R.E. an awesome freelancer by following these simple steps: Hunt Far and Wide Investigate Candidates Recruit the Best Candidates Encourage Your Freelancer

Let’s take a closer look at each of these steps…

Step 1: Hunt Far and Wide The first step in finding a great freelancer is to hunt in multiple places. In other words, cast a wide net to find as many potential freelancers as possible. This includes:

• Searching Google.

• Asking your colleagues for recommendations.

• Asking on business-related forums and Facebook groups.

• Mentioning your need for a freelancer to your contacts (email list, blog, social media, etc).

• Posting a project on freelance sites such as and

• Looking locally, such as posting a want-ad on or even in the local newspaper. For this step, just create as big of a list of potential candidates as possible.

You’ll whittle down that list in the next step…

Step 2: Investigate Candidates For this step, you’re going to whittle down your big list of potential freelancers to create a small list of the best-qualified candidates. In other words, you’ll do your due diligence. This includes taking the following steps…

• Checking the freelancer’s portfolio to assess the quality of their work.

• Asking for and following up on references.

• Checking the person’s ratings and feedback on freelancing sites (where applicable).

• Using Google to research the freelancer. Once you’ve investigated each candidate thoroughly, then you’ll also want to check out their prices.

You may find their prices online, or in some cases you may need to fill out a form about your project in order to get a quote. Just be sure not to make any decisions based on price alone, as sometimes the “cheap” freelancer can cost you a lot of money in the long run. In other words, you often get exactly what you pay for.

Now that you have a short list of the best potential freelancers for your project, move onto the next step…

Step 3: Recruit the Best Candidates With luck, you have more than one good freelancer on your short list. Now what you want to do is hire the top candidates for a small job.

Here’s the thing…

Just because a freelancer totally rocks when working with others doesn’t mean this freelancer will work out well for you. Your colleagues may have had great experiences with this person, but perhaps the two of you won’t communicate well.

Maybe you’ll have a personality clash. Perhaps you’ll just have fundamental disagreements about how to perform the work. These are things you won’t really know until you work with the person. If you jump right in with a new freelancer on a big project, you may end up wasting time and money on someone who isn’t really going to work out that well for your needs.

The solution?

Hire your freelancer for a smaller job first. For example:

• If you need to hire someone to write a 80,000 word book, hire them to write a 10,000 word report first.

• If you want someone to do a 20-module video training series, hire them to do one module. Once you see how well you work with your top candidates and the quality of the work they provide, then you can hire on the best freelancer to do your big job.

At this point, it’s a good idea to sign an agreement with your freelancer. This agreement will cover the scope of the work, delivery deadlines, payment information and other relevant details. You’ll also want to sit down and chat about expectations with your freelancer. Your freelancer isn’t a mind-reader, so let him or her know what you expect. For example, if you expect your freelancer to update you on the project every three days, let them know about these expectations.

Final step…

Step 4: Encourage Your Freelancer At this point you’ll have a really awesome freelancer working for you. Now your job is to encourage this freelancer and provide a good working environment. In turn, you’ll get high-quality work and a good working relationship. Here are tips for creating a great work environment…

• Provide thorough briefs. The more details you can provide to your freelancer about your project, the more likely it is that you’ll get great results. So be thorough and exact about what you want on a project. • Respect your freelancer’s process.

In other words, don’t micromanage your freelancer. He or she is an independent contractor, not an employee. If he or she produces great results, then don’t interfere with your freelancer’s process for getting those results.

• Offer kind words. Obviously, your freelancer took the job because he wants the money. However, you can motivate your freelancer by offering kind words. If your freelancer does a great job, let him know. There’s never any reason to hold back on offering praise for a job well done.

• Give unexpected bonuses. If your freelancer does an exceptionally good job or comes in ahead of deadline, you might offer a bonus. This could come in the form of an extra cash bonus, or you might show your appreciation by giving your freelancer a gift certificate to a favorite restaurant. Now let’s wrap things up…


So there you have it… that’s how you find and H.I.R.E. a great freelancer. This is so important, because finding a great freelancer is one of the keys to growing your business. This is especially true if you’re building a digital-product business, where you sell products such as ebooks, software, apps, videos and so on. A freelancer can create these products for you, which frees up your time to work on your marketing plan.

But heads up…

Even a really awesome freelancer can’t save your business if your product ideas aren’t rocking anyone’s world. That’s why you need to find out how to create products that people really want to buy. And the best place to do that is right here: Be sure to check out that link now while you can still get in the backdoor for free!

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc. &

Are You Overlooking This Uber-Profitable Traffic Source?

Are You Overlooking This Uber-Profitable Traffic Source?

Right at this very moment, there is someone visiting your website.





But they’re not just any visitor. This is a targeted visitor, someone who is very much interested in what you’re selling.





They’re looking over your offers. They’re reading your blog. They’re clicking on your links. And then… They click off your page. They may have the best intention of the world of coming back – maybe they even bookmarked your site – but once they leave your site, their enthusiasm is going to fade as fast as fireworks in a thunderstorm.





You’re going to lose a good prospect forever. Now most marketers know that they should try to capture their visitors onto a mailing list, which is why they have opt-in forms all over the website. That’s a good thing. But many of these same marketers just let visitors slip away once they click the “back” button or otherwise try to leave the site. And that’s a mistake.





You see, just because someone didn’t buy something or even join your list when they first arrived on your site doesn’t mean “no” forever. That’s why you need to give them a last-chance opportunity to “say” to an offer, such as a free lead-magnet product. Think about it…





When the visitor first arrived on your site, they didn’t join your list because you hadn’t yet built value and showed them you’re worth listening to. So just because you offered something before and they didn’t take it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t offer it to them again as they’re leaving.





If you put the right offer in front of your exit traffic, you might just end up with an eye-popping conversion rate. So that leads to this first question… What is the right offer? Most marketers put the same lead magnet in front of all their visitors. Sure, that will pull in a few subscribers.





But if you really want a conversion rate that’s off the charts, then you need to give your exiting visitors an offer that’s directly related to whatever it is they were just viewing. For example, if your visitor was just looking at your sales page for dog training videos, then you can offer them one video for free if they join your list.





Or if your visitor was reading a blog post about kettle bell training, then offer them a free report on the same topic. Point is, the more targeted your offer is, the better your conversion rate.









Now the next question…





How do you “capture” exit traffic? Redirecting exiting traffic to a special offer sounds a bit technical, right?





Well the good news is that it’s a lot easier than you think, especially if you follow these three steps… Step 1: Set up a professional lead page.





For this step you need an autoresponder (such as Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp or any other reputable email service provider), and a web page to showcase your offer and opt-in form.





If you’re not exactly a word class web designer, no worries – you can still set up a great-looking lead page with just a couple clicks of your mouse. See for more details.





Step 2: Choose a targeted offer. As mentioned above, you’ll get a much higher conversion rate if you create multiple offers and then send your traffic to the offers most related to what they were just viewing. Just be sure your lead magnet product is valuable, it’s something your visitors really want, and it’s something that will lead to a paid product purchase.





Step 3: Redirect visitors. Now here’s what most people think is the tricky part – how do you redirect exiting visitors to your lead page? The good news is you don’t need to create any code or have any technical experience. Just use, which will handle all the redirects for you. It’s pretty darn easy. And now the final question…





Where do you get all this traffic? Naturally, your exit traffic needs to come from somewhere. And if your traffic logs aren’t already flush with visitors, then you need to start generating a lot more targeted traffic. Here’s how to do it:





This is the best way to discover how two of the net’s top marketers bring in a steady stream of traffic every day of the week – and how you can do it too. So check it out at the link above, and do it now before this offer disappears.





Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc. &



Are You Overlooking This Uber-Profitable Traffic Source?

 How do you “capture” exit traffic? Redirecting exiting traffic to a special offer sounds a bit technical, right?

Right at this very moment, there is someone visiting your website.

But they’re not just any visitor. This is a targeted visitor, someone who is very much interested in what you’re selling.

They’re looking over your offers. They’re reading your blog. They’re clicking on your links. And then… They click off your page. They may have the best intention of the world of coming back – maybe they even bookmarked your site – but once they leave your site, their enthusiasm is going to fade as fast as fireworks in a thunderstorm.

You’re going to lose a good prospect forever. Now most marketers know that they should try to capture their visitors onto a mailing list, which is why they have opt-in forms all over the website. That’s a good thing. But many of these same marketers just let visitors slip away once they click the “back” button or otherwise try to leave the site. And that’s a mistake.

You see, just because someone didn’t buy something or even join your list when they first arrived on your site doesn’t mean “no” forever. That’s why you need to give them a last-chance opportunity to “say” to an offer, such as a free lead-magnet product. Think about it…

When the visitor first arrived on your site, they didn’t join your list because you hadn’t yet built value and showed them you’re worth listening to. So just because you offered something before and they didn’t take it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t offer it to them again as they’re leaving.

If you put the right offer in front of your exit traffic, you might just end up with an eye-popping conversion rate. So that leads to this first question… What is the right offer? Most marketers put the same lead magnet in front of all their visitors. Sure, that will pull in a few subscribers.

But if you really want a conversion rate that’s off the charts, then you need to give your exiting visitors an offer that’s directly related to whatever it is they were just viewing. For example, if your visitor was just looking at your sales page for dog training videos, then you can offer them one video for free if they join your list.

Or if your visitor was reading a blog post about kettle bell training, then offer them a free report on the same topic. Point is, the more targeted your offer is, the better your conversion rate.

  Now the next question…

 How do you “capture” exit traffic? Redirecting exiting traffic to a special offer sounds a bit technical, right?

Well the good news is that it’s a lot easier than you think, especially if you follow these three steps… Step 1: Set up a professional lead page.

For this step you need an autoresponder (such as Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp or any other reputable email service provider), and a web page to showcase your offer and opt-in form.

If you’re not exactly a word class web designer, no worries – you can still set up a great-looking lead page with just a couple clicks of your mouse. See for more details.

Step 2: Choose a targeted offer. As mentioned above, you’ll get a much higher conversion rate if you create multiple offers and then send your traffic to the offers most related to what they were just viewing. Just be sure your lead magnet product is valuable, it’s something your visitors really want, and it’s something that will lead to a paid product purchase.

Step 3: Redirect visitors. Now here’s what most people think is the tricky part – how do you redirect exiting visitors to your lead page? The good news is you don’t need to create any code or have any technical experience. Just use, which will handle all the redirects for you. It’s pretty darn easy. And now the final question…

Where do you get all this traffic? Naturally, your exit traffic needs to come from somewhere. And if your traffic logs aren’t already flush with visitors, then you need to start generating a lot more targeted traffic. Here’s how to do it:

This is the best way to discover how two of the net’s top marketers bring in a steady stream of traffic every day of the week – and how you can do it too. So check it out at the link above, and do it now before this offer disappears.

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc. &


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a chat bot is the PERFECT way to implement this tactic making the visitor feel special and rewarded. Using a chat bot also works better than just offering a perk somewhere on your page where it will be easily missed.

3 Myths of Split Testing Finally Shattered

3 Myths of Split Testing Finally Shattered

For a lot of marketers, split testing can seem like a bit of a mystery. Maybe that’s because so many people believe the myths about split testing. They make it more complex than it really needs to be. And when something seems complex, a lot of people simply decide not to mess with it.

If you’ve ever felt the same way about split testing, then you’re going to want to read the myth-busting facts about split testing below. Take a look…

Myth 1: You Don’t Need To Test It If Someone Else Already Has

There are a lot of marketers who share their split testing results. You can read how their tweaks and changes affected the conversion rates on sales letters, emails, ad campaigns and more.

So you know what happens?

Some marketers see this data, see that it’s coming from a trustworthy source, and then decide they don’t need to run a test since someone else has already done the test.

That’s a big mistake.

You see, unless you are selling the exact same thing to the exact same audience in the exact same way, you can’t take someone else’s split-testing results and apply it to your marketing.

For example, maybe a marketer in your niche just revealed that an orange payment button boosted their conversions by 20%. So a bunch of marketers run out and change their payment buttons to orange buttons too – but they never test it. They just assume it works.

But maybe the orange payment button WON’T work for YOU. For example, maybe orange actually clashes with your site design. Maybe orange looks garish on your site. So if a customer views your payment button as loud and garish and out-of-place, they might just hit the back button rather than hitting the payment button.

Point is, just because it works for someone else doesn’t mean it will work for you. The only way to know for sure is to do your own split testing. Sure, you can use other peoples’ test results to get ideas of what to test on your site. Just don’t assume their results will apply to your audience.


Myth 2: Multivariate Testing is Better Than Split Testing

Split testing is when you test just ONE element while holding all other variables constant. Multivariate testing is when you test multiple variables at the same time in order to determine which combination produces the best results.

Now here’s what a lot of people don’t realize: you can get the same end results whether you’re doing multivariate testing or split testing.

But there is one big problem when it comes to multivariate testing…

It requires a LOT of traffic. And if you’re not running a big business with a popular, heavily trafficked website, it might take many months for you to get any results.

That’s why so many marketers prefer split testing. They can split test one item – such as a headline – and get results really fast (in as little as a week). That means they can start profiting from their test results immediately, rather than waiting months for the results.

The other problem with multivariate testing is that because you need SO much traffic, you may find it difficult to achieve a high level of statistical confidence in your results. High statistical confidence, such as being 95% confident with your results, requires a big sample size. Those who can’t get that much traffic might drop their confidence levels – but that increases the chance of interpreting the results in the wrong way.

Still another problem with multivariate testing is that if one of your factors isn’t really providing any statistically significant changes to the conversion rate, it makes interpreting the test a little difficult. In those cases, running a standard A/B split test is better, because the results are more clear.

So here’s the bottom line…

Split testing does everything a multivariate test can do, if you run a series of tests. The difference is that you can start profiting immediately from your initial test results, rather than waiting months to get enough traffic to conduct a multivariate test. That’s why so many smart marketers choose split testing, and why you should too.

Which brings us to the final myth…

Myth 3: Split Testing is Difficult

This is perhaps the #1 reason why a lot of marketers simply don’t bother with split testing: they think it’s hard.

And you know what?

If you use the wrong tools, it IS hard.

Maybe you’ve done some research on the split testing tools, and you ended up walking away feeling unsure. Overwhelmed. Confused.

And no wonder…

Before you can even use a lot of the tools that are on the market, it feels like you need a PhD in statistics. You have do all sorts of number crunching before you even begin. You have to figure out how much traffic to get and how many conversions you need.

And before you can pick a winner, you need to be sure it’s a statistically relevant result. If you don’t know a whole lot about statistics, then it’s hard to interpret the results. You end up second guessing yourself a lot.


It’s enough to make your head explode. And it sure sucks all the fun out of split testing.

Until now…

Because when you have the right tools, then you don’t need to be a super statistics geek to start profiting from split testing. And here’s the tool I’m talking about: Split Test Monkey.

Split Test Monkey (STM) makes testing faster and easier than you ever thought possible. That’s because STM does all the heavy lifting and number crunching for you. This clever tool tracks all your conversions and then runs the data to pick a winner. And you can be sure of your result, because Split Test Monkey even lets you choose the confidence level.

So yes, split testing USED to be hard and complicated. But not anymore – not when you use Split Test Monkey to quickly and easily boost your conversion rates.

In Sum…

If you’re not split testing yet, you should be. That’s because a good split test can deliver a lot of very exciting benefits to you, including:

” Higher conversion rates.
” More opt-ins.
” More customers.
” More sales.
” Lower refund rates.
” More revenue.
” Better return on your ad investments.

And more.

Just consider how much MORE money you’d make if you doubled your current sales letter conversion rate. Imagining triple it… or even quadrupling it.

Imagine how much more money you’d make if you doubled or tripled the opt-in rate on your current lead page. Imagine getting more people to open your emails, and more people clicking on the links, and more people buying what you’re selling.

All of this is possible once you start split testing. And the good news is that split testing is easier and faster than ever before when you have the right tool. That tool is Split Test Monkey, which is my new favorite go-to tool for increasing my profits.

You’re really going to like it too. So check it out now here.

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc.

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