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Create Massively Successful Viral Campaigns

Create Massively Successful Viral Campaigns

Let me ask you a question…

How many SUCCESSFUL viral campaigns have you created?

Note the keyword there: successful.

I’m not talking about those campaigns where you launch a product, video or contest and have tumbleweeds blowing across the content. A couple dozen shares isn’t exactly a wild success, you know?

I’m talking about the sort of campaign that truly sweeps across your niche. The kind of campaign that has your own content showing up in your social media newsfeeds repeatedly for days. The kind of campaign where you’re seeing thousands if not tens of thousands or even millions of likes, comments and shares.

You know what?

You know it’s possible. Just look at YouTube or Facebook right now, and you’ll see videos that have been viewed millions of times. MILLIONS.

But the question is, what does it take to create that sort of massive buzz in your niche?

Obviously, you need good content. You need something shareworthy. You need something that people are proud or happy to share with their friends. That’s something really useful, something that arouses emotion, or something that’s really valuable.

Now here’s the thing…

You could have a piece of content that meets those qualifications, and your viral campaign could still do a big ol’ belly flop.


Because a viral campaign is like a stick of dynamite – it’s not going to go “boom” unless you have a match to light the fuse.

And that’s where PerkZilla comes in…

PerkZilla is a viral rewards platform that lights the fuse on your figurative stick of dynamite. That’s because PerkZilla lets you create a campaign where you reward people for sharing your content. You can reward these referrals with most anything you want, including products, contest entries, coupons, gift cards and more.

So now you have a visitor coming to your site, and they refer three, five or more people. (Your choice how many referrals it takes to unlock a reward.) Those referrals then get three of their friends to visit your site, who get three of their friends to visit…

And BOOM, you’ve got a viral campaign that just hit critical mass! Now you’re going to see the social love you’ve been dreaming about with enough likes and shares to make your closest competitors green with envy.

Now you’re going to see your list blow up with targeted traffic who’re not only interested in what you’re selling, they’re also eager to tell all their friends about it!

And now you’re going to see better results across your business, from more contest entries to more webinar attendees to more customers buying what you’re selling!

That’s the power of PerkZilla. Need more info watch the video.

Simply put, it’s the fastest and easiest way to start getting more targeted traffic to your site… starting as soon as today! And it’s point-and-click easy to use this platform. It’s so easy that you don’t need to know a lick of code in order to put it to work for you today.

So whether you’re promoting contests, lead pages, sales pages or anything else, PerkZilla can help make your viral campaigns a massive success.

Check it out right now at ​: PerkZilla

And do it now, because this is the best way to get more traffic, sales, subscribers and social love!

Simply put, it’s the fastest and easiest way to start getting more targeted traffic to your site… starting as soon as today! And it’s point-and-click easy to use this platform. It’s so easy that you don’t need to know a lick of code in order to put it to work for you today.

So whether you’re promoting contests, lead pages, sales pages or anything else, PerkZilla can help make your viral campaigns a massive success.

Check it out right now at ​: PerkZilla

And do it now, because this is the best way to get more traffic, sales, subscribers and social love!

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc.

PerkZilla Review: Everything You Need to Know

PerkZilla Review: Everything You Need to Know

You’ve probably been hearing the name “PerkZilla” floating around a lot lately. And if you haven’t, just wait – it will make it into your circles and social media networks soon. Everyone’s talking about it, because it’s the most exciting viral rewards platform to come down the pike in a long time.

Simply put: people are loving their traffic, they’re loving their new subscribers and they’re loving all their new sales.

But is PerkZilla right for you? That’s what you’ll find out inside this review. Take a look…

What is PerkZilla?

Click Here

First things first – just what is PerkZilla?

In a nutshell, it’s a viral rewards platform that lets you give gifts such as products, coupons, contest entries and other rewards to your visitors in exchange for them referring their friends to your website.

That means that one visitor might tell three friends, who tells three more friends, who tells three more friends… and so on. That means that one visitor can turn into dozens of visitors. It’s an incredibly powerful way to get more traffic to your web pages, content and offers!

I’ve been on the inside of PerkZilla have put it through its paces, and have set up multiple campaigns. So, let me tell you the pros and cons of this platform…

What Are PerkZilla’s Best Features?

There are a lot of really good reasons to fall in love with PerkZilla. Here are the highlights…

PerkZilla is a Hands-Free Way to Drive Traffic

The biggest benefit is that this is a traffic generation method that works completely on autopilot. You set it up once, and your traffic grows on its own! You don’t need to spend hours monitoring your campaigns, and you don’t need to spend any money placing ads. Just tell your existing network and visitors about your content, and they’ll tell all their friends!

It’s Easy to Use

Simon Hodgkinson and Jeremy Gislason built this platform for their own use, to make it easy for them to get more viral traffic without having to do things manually. They built this platform so that anyone can use it on ANY device.

Here’s why it’s so easy to use:

•  No downloading or installation required. This is a web-based app, so all you have to do is log into your dashboard to get started.

•  No tech experience required. Setting up a viral campaign is as easy as clicking your mouse. The app gives you a bit of code, which you need to paste into your website. It’s easy!

•  The dashboard is very user-friendly. The links and features are all intuitively labeled, so you can get your campaigns up and running fast. But if you get stuck, there’s also step-by-step documentation and videos available in the very thorough help section.

•  It works on any platform. Whether your users are using phones, tablets or desktops, the links and forms are tested and proven to work across devices and browsers.

Next strength…

PerkZilla is Very Flexible

You’re in complete control when it comes to PerkZilla. Here are some of the factors where you have control:

•  You choose how many reward levels to offer. You can offer one reward level, or you can set up multiple levels to encourage even more sharing. Ideally, each level up would offer better rewards.

•  You choose the rewards. These could be products (such as ebooks, videos, apps, or memberships), contest entries, discount coupons, or anything else that you can easily deliver by email.

•  You can customize most everything. This includes your opt-in forms, emails and more. However, PerkZilla also comes pre-loaded with default settings and pre-written emails, which makes it quick and easy to set up your campaign.

•  You can use PerkZilla to promote a wide variety of content and pages. This includes lead pages, sales pages, contests, blog posts, videos, webinar registration pages and more!

Sounds good, right? This platform is easy to use and is proven to drive viral traffic to your contests, lead pages, sales pages, blog content and more. The better rewards you offer, the more traffic you’ll get!

What Are PerkZilla’s Downsides?

No product is perfect, but PerkZilla comes pretty darn close. That’s because it comes with only the features you want and none of the ones you don’t, which keeps it clean, lean and very powerful.

However, there is one downside to PerkZilla…

At the time of writing, you can’t use this platform to promote other peoples’ content (such as your affiliate links), UNLESS you work directly with the person who owns the website. That’s because you need to paste a little snippet of code into the page to make it work.

This isn’t a failing of PerkZilla itself so much as a practical limitation. While certain technologies such as iFrames may work, they’re not very practical for this particular application.

Of course, there is a way around this. If you want to promote an affiliate link, then set up a pre-sell page, and have your visitors refer their friends to THAT page. That way, you still get the viral traffic. You still get to build your list. And you still get to promote your affiliate offer. Only difference is that you don’t need to bother the vendor and have them creating special pages for you and pasting code into it.

Our Verdict?

If you can’t tell by now, we’re REALLY excited about PerkZilla. And that’s why we highly recommend it.

Listen, there are a few competing platforms out there. But there are multiple problems with them. Namely:

1.  The competing platforms aren’t flexible enough to handle multiple campaigns. For example, some of these platforms ONLY handle contests. Others only handle giveaways. PerkZilla is different because you can promote any of your web pages, products, contests or content!

2.  Some of these platforms force users to utilize their templates. You have nowhere near the power and customizability with these other platforms as you do with PerkZilla. Some of them even force you to use certain social media sites. PerkZilla gives you full control to let your users promote their links however they want.

3.  Some of the competing platforms are bloated and confusing. There is a big learning curve, which often results in users simply giving up and abandoning the platform.

PerkZilla overcomes all these problems, as it’s user-friendly, flexible, fully customizable and very powerful.

From now on, it’s my #1 choice in viral rewards platforms. I know it will be yours too once you see what all PerkZilla can do. So, check it out right now at PerkZilla – and do it now, because a load of viral traffic awaits you!​

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc.

Do You Know The Three Keys To Becoming Wealthy?

Do You Know The Three Keys To Becoming Wealthy?

A lot of folks have a dream of becoming wealthy. They imagine themselves finally feeling financially secure. They imagine what it will feel like to never have to worry about money again. And yes, they imagine a few perks, such as fun vacations and nights out on the town. A lot of these same folks equate “being wealthy” with making money. Or they equate being wealthy with having a big house and a nice car.

But here’s the thing…

Just making a lot of money won’t make you wealthy. And if the bank owns your car and your house – no matter how big and fancy they are – then you aren’t wealthy.

You are just another person in debt, living beyond your means. Being truly wealthy means you accumulate money. It means you grow your money. It means you own your assets (rather than having bank-owned assets with huge payments that leave you struggling every month).

If you want to be THAT kind of wealthy, then take a look at these three keys to wealth. They may be simple, but don’t overlook them because of their simplicity…

Key #1: Making Money So this is perhaps the most obvious key. In order to start building that savings account, you need to make money. This might be from a job. It might be from a business. It might even be from some combination of a job and business. But the point is, you need to have a regular source of income coming in. And, most importantly, this regular source of income needs to be more than you need for your basic living expenses.

Which brings us to the second key…

Key #2: Saving Money A lot of folks who start bringing in money act like that money is burning a hole in their pocket. They just have to spend it. And sometimes they end up nickel and diming themselves to death. For example, a twice-a-day Starbucks coffee and muffin habit can easily end up a couple thousand dollars per year. Going for a “night out on the town” four or five times a month is another way to slide a lot of money out of your bank account fast.

Or how about some of those bills that you pay without really thinking about, like your cable bill? A lot of people pay well over $100 for hundreds of channels they don’t watch.

Those are the types of bills you can easily scale back on without feeling like you’re making a huge sacrifice. Which brings us to the next point…

Just how much do you have to sacrifice, anyway?

The answer to that depends on how wealthy you want to become, how much you’re currently saving, and how much money you’re currently spending.

But here’s some good news: it’s about balance. You see, you don’t need to eat cheap 10 cent Top Ramen soup packets for every meal. You don’t need to sell your car and start taking the bus. You don’t need to go live in a box on the street just to save money on the mortgage or the rent.

After all, the future isn’t guaranteed. So it’s not going to do you a whole lot of good if you sacrifice all your life just to die with a few million dollars in the bank. So what you need to do is get smart about your financial future. And the way to do that is by establishing some goals. First and foremost, you need to sock away some money for emergencies.

Typically, this means putting about six month’s worth of living expenses into an easily accessible savings account. That way if you lose your job, if your business tanks, if you get sick, or if your other regular source of income dries up, you’ll still be okay.

You’ll have a six-month cushion. Secondly, you probably have some short-term savings goal. For example maybe you want to sock away a few thousand dollars for a vacation next year.

Or perhaps you have another major purchase coming up, such as some house maintenance or remodeling, a wedding, or some other activity.

In all cases, you need to determine exactly how much money you need, and the date by which you need it. Then you can figure out how much money you’ll need to save each month in order to obtain your goal. So what about retirement and other long-term savings goals? Well, you do need to save money each and every month for your retirement.

However, you don’t want to just put all this money into a savings account. Instead, what you want to do is invest it to grow it. Which brings us to the third key…

Key #3: Investing Money The final key to wealth is to put your money to work for you. And that means you need to invest it. Now, the good news is that there are a lot of different ways to invest your money, so you’re sure to find a balance that suits your needs. Here are some of the more popular ways:

• Stocks.

• Bonds.

• Mutual funds.

• Investing directly in business (your own business or someone else’s business).

• Artwork, antiques, precious metals.

• Real estate. There are two keys to choosing the right investment for you.

First, you need to assess your own risk tolerance, and then choose investments that best match your risk tolerance. Your risk tolerance depends on factors such as how many years you have to save for a particular goal, as well as how comfortable you are with certain types of investments.

General rule of thumb: investments that come with the potential for a high reward also come with a high amount of risks. And likewise, low-reward investments tend to be less risky.

For example, young people who are saving for retirement may opt for a portfolio with riskier stocks, simply because they have decades to recover if one of their risky stocks suffers.

On the other hand, someone who is near retirement age will put their money into much safer investments. Naturally, neither group should put all their money into one type of investment, which brings us to the next point…

Secondly, you need to diversify. Diversifying is a natural way to spread out the risk. You can diversify by putting money into a variety of investments, such as stocks, real estate, business investments and so on.

You can also diversify within each specific type of investment. For example, if you’re investing in stocks, then invest in a mix of companies across different industries, some of which are well-established. Conclusion

So there you have it, the three simple keys to growing your money:

• Make money.

• Save money.

• Grow your money.

Now while these keys seem simple on paper, putting them into practice is a bit trickier.

Most people struggle. They have problems bringing in enough extra money to save. Then once they do bring in extra money, they tend to spend it rather than save it. A lot of folks never even give a proper thought to investing. Since you’ve read this far,

I know you’re different. You want to learn more about making money, saving money, and investing money. You want financial security. You want the peace of mind that comes with growing a big nest egg in your bank account.

The good news is you can take a giant step towards your goals starting right now.

All you have to do is join the Wealth Upgrade Club today to discover what the world’s best investors know about making, saving and investing money. Join them right now by clicking here: – and do it now, because today is the best time to start planning for the future!

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc. &

And yes, they imagine a few perks, such as fun vacations and nights out on the town. A lot of these same folks equate “being wealthy” with making money. Or they equate being wealthy with having a big house and a nice car. But here’s the thing…

Just making a lot of money won’t make you wealthy. And if the bank owns your car and your house – no matter how big and fancy they are – then you aren’t wealthy.

You are just another person in debt, living beyond your means. Being truly wealthy means you accumulate money.

It means you grow your money. It means you own your assets (rather than having bank-owned assets with huge payments that leave you struggling every month).

If you want to be THAT kind of wealthy, then take a look at these three keys to wealth. They may be simple, but don’t overlook them because of their simplicity…

Key #1: Making Money So this is perhaps the most obvious key. In order to start building that savings account, you need to make money. This might be from a job. It might be from a business.

It might even be from some combination of a job and business. But the point is, you need to have a regular source of income coming in. And, most importantly, this regular source of income needs to be more than you need for your basic living expenses.

Which brings us to the second key…

Key #2: Saving Money A lot of folks who start bringing in money act like that money is burning a hole in their pocket. They just have to spend it. And sometimes they end up nickel and diming themselves to death.

For example, a twice-a-day Starbucks coffee and muffin habit can easily end up a couple thousand dollars per year. Going for a “night out on the town” four or five times a month is another way to slide a lot of money out of your bank account fast.

Or how about some of those bills that you pay without really thinking about, like your cable bill? A lot of people pay well over $100 for hundreds of channels they don’t watch.

Those are the types of bills you can easily scale back on without feeling like you’re making a huge sacrifice. Which brings us to the next point…

Just how much do you have to sacrifice, anyway?

The answer to that depends on how wealthy you want to become, how much you’re currently saving, and how much money you’re currently spending.

But here’s some good news: it’s about balance. You see, you don’t need to eat cheap 10 cent Top Ramen soup packets for every meal.

You don’t need to sell your car and start taking the bus. You don’t need to go live in a box on the street just to save money on the mortgage or the rent. After all, the future isn’t guaranteed.

So it’s not going to do you a whole lot of good if you sacrifice all your life just to die with a few million dollars in the bank.

So what you need to do is get smart about your financial future. And the way to do that is by establishing some goals. First and foremost, you need to sock away some money for emergencies.

Typically, this means putting about six month’s worth of living expenses into an easily accessible savings account. That way if you lose your job, if your business tanks, if you get sick, or if your other regular source of income dries up, you’ll still be okay.

You’ll have a six-month cushion. Secondly, you probably have some short-term savings goal. For example maybe you want to sock away a few thousand dollars for a vacation next year.

Or perhaps you have another major purchase coming up, such as some house maintenance or remodeling, a wedding, or some other activity.

In all cases, you need to determine exactly how much money you need, and the date by which you need it. Then you can figure out how much money you’ll need to save each month in order to obtain your goal. So what about retirement and other long-term savings goals?

Well, you do need to save money each and every month for your retirement. However, you don’t want to just put all this money into a savings account. Instead, what you want to do is invest it to grow it.

Which brings us to the third key…

Key #3: Investing Money The final key to wealth is to put your money to work for you. And that means you need to invest it. Now, the good news is that there are a lot of different ways to invest your money, so you’re sure to find a balance that suits your needs.

Here are some of the more popular ways:

• Stocks.

• Bonds.

• Mutual funds.

• Investing directly in business (your own business or someone else’s business).

• Artwork, antiques, precious metals.

• Real estate. There are two keys to choosing the right investment for you.

First, you need to assess your own risk tolerance, and then choose investments that best match your risk tolerance.

Your risk tolerance depends on factors such as how many years you have to save for a particular goal, as well as how comfortable you are with certain types of investments.

General rule of thumb: investments that come with the potential for a high reward also come with a high amount of risks. And likewise, low-reward investments tend to be less risky. For example, young people who are saving for retirement may opt for a portfolio with riskier stocks, simply because they have decades to recover

if one of their risky stocks suffers. On the other hand, someone who is near retirement age will put their money into much safer investments.

Naturally, neither group should put all their money into one type of investment, which brings us to the next point…

Secondly, you need to diversify. Diversifying is a natural way to spread out the risk. You can diversify by putting money into a variety of investments, such as stocks, real estate, business investments and so on.

You can also diversify within each specific type of investment.

For example, if you’re investing in stocks, then invest in a mix of companies across different industries, some of which are well-established.

Conclusion So there you have it, the three simple keys to growing your money:

• Make money.

• Save money.

• Grow your money.

Now while these keys seem simple on paper, putting them into practice is a bit trickier. Most people struggle. They have problems bringing in enough extra money to save. Then once they do bring in extra money, they tend to spend it rather than save it.

A lot of folks never even give a proper thought to investing. Since you’ve read this far, I know you’re different.

You want to learn more about making money, saving money, and investing money. You want financial security. You want the peace of mind that comes with growing a big nest egg in your bank account.

The good news is you can take a giant step towards your goals starting right now. All you have to do is join the Wealth Upgrade Club today to discover what the world’s best investors know about making, saving and investing money.

Join them right now by clicking here: – and do it now, because today is the best time to start planning for the future!

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc. &

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