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Building Stronger Relationships in the Digital Age: Mastering Online Market Connections

Building Stronger Relationships in the Digital Age: Mastering Online Market Connections

Building Stronger Relationships in the Digital Age: Mastering Online Market Connections




In today’s digital landscape, connecting with your target market online has become essential for business success. The internet provides endless opportunities to engage with your audience, build relationships, and ultimately grow your business. In this article, we’ll explore effective strategies to connect with your market online, allowing you to establish a strong presence and forge meaningful connections in the digital age.

1. Know Your Audience:

To effectively connect with your market online, you must first understand who your target audience is. Conduct thorough market research to identify their demographics, preferences, and interests. This knowledge will guide your online marketing efforts, ensuring you create content and messaging that resonates with your audience.

2. Create Compelling Content:

Content is king in the online world. Develop high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that provides value to your audience. Whether it’s blog articles, videos, social media posts, or podcasts, focus on delivering content that educates, entertains, or solves your audience’s pain points. This will help establish your credibility and position you as an authority in your industry.

3. Leverage Social Media:

Social media platforms offer powerful avenues to connect directly with your market. Identify which platforms your target audience frequents the most and create a strong presence there. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, asking questions, and sharing valuable content. Use social media to showcase your brand’s personality, foster conversations, and build authentic relationships.

4. Personalize Your Interactions:

In the digital realm, personalization is key to building connections. Tailor your communications to make your audience feel seen and valued. Address them by name, respond to their inquiries promptly, and provide personalized recommendations or offers based on their preferences. Utilize email marketing tools and customer relationship management (CRM) systems to streamline personalized interactions at scale.

5. Utilize Live Video:

Live video has gained tremendous popularity, offering a real-time and interactive way to connect with your audience. Host live Q&A sessions, product demonstrations, or behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business. This creates an authentic and engaging experience, allowing your audience to connect with you on a more personal level.

6. Foster Online Communities:

In today’s digital landscape, connecting with your market online is vital for business growth. By understanding your audience, creating compelling content, leveraging social media, personalizing interactions, utilizing live video, and fostering online communities, you can establish strong relationships with your target market. Embrace the power of the internet to connect, engage, and build meaningful connections that will drive your business forward in the digital age.

Build an online community around your brand or industry niche. Create forums, Facebook groups, or online communities where your audience can gather, share experiences, and interact with each other. Actively participate in these communities, provide valuable insights, and establish yourself as a trusted resource. Encourage discussions and collaboration among community members to foster a sense of belonging.

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The way businesses promote and sell their products or services has undergone a profound transformation. Digital marketing has emerged as a powerful tool that influences consumer behavior and plays a pivotal role in driving sales. 

Digital marketing enables businesses to reach a broader audience compared to traditional marketing methods. Through various online channels such as social media, search engines, and email marketing, companies can target specific demographics and engage with potential customers worldwide. This expanded reach significantly increases the visibility of products and services, reaching consumers who may have otherwise been difficult to reach.

With the aid of data analytics and consumer insights, digital marketing allows businesses to create personalized and targeted marketing campaigns. Tailored content and offers resonate better with customers, as it addresses their individual needs and preferences. Personalization not only enhances the customer experience but also increases the chances of converting leads into loyal customers.

In the digital landscape, businesses have the opportunity to establish themselves as thought leaders and industry experts. Consistent and valuable content shared through blogs, videos, and social media can position a brand as an authority in its niche. As customers increasingly value authenticity and transparency, digital marketing fosters trust between brands and consumers, leading to higher customer loyalty and advocacy.

Digital marketing allows businesses to engage with customers in real-time, fostering meaningful interactions. Social media platforms and live chats enable immediate responses to customer inquiries, addressing concerns promptly. This level of engagement builds a positive perception of the brand and enhances customer satisfaction, which in turn influences purchase decisions.

One of the most significant advantages of digital marketing is the ability to collect and analyze data. This data provides valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns. Armed with these insights, businesses can make informed decisions, optimize marketing strategies, and tailor products or services to meet customer demands effectively.

Compared to traditional advertising methods, digital marketing is more cost-effective. Businesses can allocate budgets more efficiently, targeting specific audiences and measuring the return on investment (ROI) of their marketing campaigns. This cost-effectiveness allows small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to compete on a level playing field with larger corporations.

The influence of digital marketing on selling products and services cannot be overstated. It has revolutionized the way businesses connect with customers, expanding their reach, and increasing brand visibility. 

Embracing digital marketing strategies is essential for businesses to thrive in the modern marketplace, ensuring they stay competitive, relevant, and successful in reaching their target audience.

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Digital marketing allows businesses to engage with customers in real-time

With the aid of data analytics and consumer insights, digital marketing allows businesses to create personalized and targeted marketing campaigns. Tailored content and offers resonate better with customers, as it addresses their individual needs and preferences.

Personalization not only enhances the customer experience but also increases the chances of converting leads into loyal customers.

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LinkedIn allows you to connect with professionals in your industry or related fields. Start by connecting with colleagues, former classmates, and business partners. Actively seek out industry influencers and thought leaders, and engage with their content to establish rapport. Building a diverse network opens doors to potential collaborations, mentorship opportunities, and valuable insights.

Groups are a treasure trove of industry-specific knowledge and networking opportunities. Join groups relevant to your interests or profession and actively participate in discussions. Share your expertise, ask questions, and contribute valuable insights to position yourself as an industry expert and build connections with like-minded professionals.

The publishing platform allows you to share long-form articles and blog posts with your network. Use this feature to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your field. Sharing valuable content not only increases your visibility but also attracts other professionals interested in your area of expertise.

Recommendations on LinkedIn carry significant weight in validating your skills and expertise. Request recommendations from colleagues, clients, and supervisors to showcase your professional strengths. Additionally, take the time to endorse and recommend others to foster a mutually beneficial networking environment.

Regular engagement and consistent presence. Allocate time each week to interact with your connections, respond to messages, and share valuable content. Being active on LinkedIn demonstrates your commitment to networking and helps you stay top-of-mind with your connections.

Virtual events, webinars, and workshops hosted by industry experts and organizations. Participate in these events to gain valuable insights, learn from professionals, and expand your network beyond your immediate connections.

Recently one of our top influencers shared a new strategy. You can get the details here. 

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Some people think that the reason they can’t get their business off the ground is because they don’t have the right tools, knowledge, experience or business plans.

Sure, all of those things are important.

But if you don’t have the right mindset, then all the best tools, resources and money in the world don’t mean a darn thing. Because without the right mindset, you won’t ever find the success you’re seeking. So with that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most common mindset obstacles that can hold you back from achieving your business goals…

Obstacle 1: Negative People It would be nice if all your closest friends and family completely supported you, but that’s not usually what happens. Instead, what you’ll find out is that many of your loved ones end up being nay-saying, negative people.

It’s one thing when strangers laugh at your dreams and ridicule it. It’s another thing entirely when someone you love does it to you. It hurts. It can make you second guess your business ideas and plans. Yes, it can destroy your business plans altogether.

But that’s only if you let these negative people get to you. If you can push past their negativity, then you’ll be one step closer to your goals. Take Walt Disney as an example.

His banker wouldn’t loan him any money because he thought Disney’s idea for an animated film was ridiculous. His wife didn’t think there was an audience for it either. His own brother laughed in his face when Disney showed him the prototype for what would become Mickey Mouse.

Of course you know how this story ends. Disney was able to brush past the ridicule, the nay-saying, the doubting and the negativity. Today the Disney company is one of the largest and most profitable entertainment empires in the world, with books, movies, theme parks, TV shows and more. So let that sink in for a moment…

If Walt Disney had listened to all the negative voices around him, Mickey Mouse and Walt Disney World wouldn’t even exist today. Trust me, you’re going to get bombarded by negative voices too.

You need to learn how to tune them out and not let them distract you from your business plans and dreams.

You may need to stop talking business with the negative people in your life. If someone is too negative (about everything), you may even consider cutting them out of your life – or at least spending less time with them – because you don’t need that sort of toxicity around you. Next up… Obstacle 2: Not Believing in Yourself It’s hard enough when others ridicule your ideas or doubt your plans.

But sometimes that negative voice is your own. If you listen really closely, you may find your inner critic saying:

• This will never work.

• Who am I kidding?

• This is a waste of my time.

• I’m too old/young/inexperienced/stupid to do this. The first step is to simply learn to listen for this voice. It’s probably already playing in an endless loop, but you’re not always aware of it because you’re so used to it. Once you hear it, then you need to put it in its place. Counteract it. Talk back to it. For example:

• This will work because I’ve done the research and I’m persistent. • I’m smart enough to do this. I have experience.

• This is a good idea.

• The world needs this, and I need to deliver it to them. Once you get in the habit of recognizing and then counteracting your own negative critic, it will release its hold on you. Then you’ll be able to move forward more easily with your dreams and your plans.

Obstacle 3: Fear This is a huge dream killer. It might be fear of failure. It might be fear of success. It could just be the all-encompassing fear of the unknown.

Many people prefer to stick with the familiar, even if it means tossing their dreams to the wayside. Thing is, fear doesn’t always grip you with icy fingers. It doesn’t always come in a recognizable form. Many times it just sort of sneaks up on you and sabotages your business. Here are three disguises it takes on:

• Procrastination. This is pretty obvious when this happens. You start off the day with good intentions, but when it’s over you realize you didn’t do anything. Instead, you fiddled around on Facebook or watched videos on YouTube.

Maybe you even went offline and did something else. But the point is, you procrastinated and didn’t make any progress towards your business goals.

• Perfectionism. This is a tricky one, because society supports people who do a good job. So when someone never gets anything done because they’re trying to get it “perfect,” they can just tell themselves it’s a good thing that they’re doing a good job.

But guess what?

Nothing will ever be perfect. And once you realize that, you’ll be able to release products, launch business ideas and unleash websites on the world when they’re good (but not necessarily perfect), because you know you can always fix them as you go.

Take any software company as an example – they release good software, even though they know it’s not perfect. Once it’s out in the wild, then real users help them find the flaws so they can fix them. Point is, perfectionism isn’t the quest for the best – often it’s just fear in disguise.

Because if you never release anything, then you don’t have to worry about failing (or succeeding).

• Busy-work. This is where you find yourself extremely busy from morning until night, but you don’t actually get the important stuff done. For example, you set out to do market research. A week later all you’ve done is read forum post after forum post, which you’ve convinced yourself is important work.

Chances are it’s just busywork, because if you don’t work on the big stuff, then you never have to worry about failure or success (because you’ll never launch anything).

Point is, learn to recognize these disguises as fear. Then feel the fear and do it anyway, because nothing melts fear like purposeful action. Will You Choose Success?

Most people don’t realize that success is a choice – and you can make your choice right now.

You can choose to keep doing what you’ve always been doing… which means you’ll keep getting what you’ve always been getting. Day in, day out. Same thing. Same level of success. Same income. Same lifestyle. Same level of excitement (or boredom) that you’ve always had.

The alternative is for you to choose success right now. You can choose more fun, more excitement and more money as your business dreams come true.

If you choose success, then all you need to do is tweak your mindset so that you’re ready to handle whatever life throws at you. Fear melts away.

Comments from negative people bounce off you like you’re made of Teflon. You find yourself excited and motivated every day to get up and work on your business.

So how do you make these sorts of mindset tweaks? Simple, you go right now to Get the right mindset, and nothing can you hold you back. Find out for yourself by checking out the link right now.

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Do You Know The Three Keys To Becoming Wealthy?

Do You Know The Three Keys To Becoming Wealthy?

A lot of folks have a dream of becoming wealthy. They imagine themselves finally feeling financially secure. They imagine what it will feel like to never have to worry about money again. And yes, they imagine a few perks, such as fun vacations and nights out on the town. A lot of these same folks equate “being wealthy” with making money. Or they equate being wealthy with having a big house and a nice car.

But here’s the thing…

Just making a lot of money won’t make you wealthy. And if the bank owns your car and your house – no matter how big and fancy they are – then you aren’t wealthy.

You are just another person in debt, living beyond your means. Being truly wealthy means you accumulate money. It means you grow your money. It means you own your assets (rather than having bank-owned assets with huge payments that leave you struggling every month).

If you want to be THAT kind of wealthy, then take a look at these three keys to wealth. They may be simple, but don’t overlook them because of their simplicity…

Key #1: Making Money So this is perhaps the most obvious key. In order to start building that savings account, you need to make money. This might be from a job. It might be from a business. It might even be from some combination of a job and business. But the point is, you need to have a regular source of income coming in. And, most importantly, this regular source of income needs to be more than you need for your basic living expenses.

Which brings us to the second key…

Key #2: Saving Money A lot of folks who start bringing in money act like that money is burning a hole in their pocket. They just have to spend it. And sometimes they end up nickel and diming themselves to death. For example, a twice-a-day Starbucks coffee and muffin habit can easily end up a couple thousand dollars per year. Going for a “night out on the town” four or five times a month is another way to slide a lot of money out of your bank account fast.

Or how about some of those bills that you pay without really thinking about, like your cable bill? A lot of people pay well over $100 for hundreds of channels they don’t watch.

Those are the types of bills you can easily scale back on without feeling like you’re making a huge sacrifice. Which brings us to the next point…

Just how much do you have to sacrifice, anyway?

The answer to that depends on how wealthy you want to become, how much you’re currently saving, and how much money you’re currently spending.

But here’s some good news: it’s about balance. You see, you don’t need to eat cheap 10 cent Top Ramen soup packets for every meal. You don’t need to sell your car and start taking the bus. You don’t need to go live in a box on the street just to save money on the mortgage or the rent.

After all, the future isn’t guaranteed. So it’s not going to do you a whole lot of good if you sacrifice all your life just to die with a few million dollars in the bank. So what you need to do is get smart about your financial future. And the way to do that is by establishing some goals. First and foremost, you need to sock away some money for emergencies.

Typically, this means putting about six month’s worth of living expenses into an easily accessible savings account. That way if you lose your job, if your business tanks, if you get sick, or if your other regular source of income dries up, you’ll still be okay.

You’ll have a six-month cushion. Secondly, you probably have some short-term savings goal. For example maybe you want to sock away a few thousand dollars for a vacation next year.

Or perhaps you have another major purchase coming up, such as some house maintenance or remodeling, a wedding, or some other activity.

In all cases, you need to determine exactly how much money you need, and the date by which you need it. Then you can figure out how much money you’ll need to save each month in order to obtain your goal. So what about retirement and other long-term savings goals? Well, you do need to save money each and every month for your retirement.

However, you don’t want to just put all this money into a savings account. Instead, what you want to do is invest it to grow it. Which brings us to the third key…

Key #3: Investing Money The final key to wealth is to put your money to work for you. And that means you need to invest it. Now, the good news is that there are a lot of different ways to invest your money, so you’re sure to find a balance that suits your needs. Here are some of the more popular ways:

• Stocks.

• Bonds.

• Mutual funds.

• Investing directly in business (your own business or someone else’s business).

• Artwork, antiques, precious metals.

• Real estate. There are two keys to choosing the right investment for you.

First, you need to assess your own risk tolerance, and then choose investments that best match your risk tolerance. Your risk tolerance depends on factors such as how many years you have to save for a particular goal, as well as how comfortable you are with certain types of investments.

General rule of thumb: investments that come with the potential for a high reward also come with a high amount of risks. And likewise, low-reward investments tend to be less risky.

For example, young people who are saving for retirement may opt for a portfolio with riskier stocks, simply because they have decades to recover if one of their risky stocks suffers.

On the other hand, someone who is near retirement age will put their money into much safer investments. Naturally, neither group should put all their money into one type of investment, which brings us to the next point…

Secondly, you need to diversify. Diversifying is a natural way to spread out the risk. You can diversify by putting money into a variety of investments, such as stocks, real estate, business investments and so on.

You can also diversify within each specific type of investment. For example, if you’re investing in stocks, then invest in a mix of companies across different industries, some of which are well-established. Conclusion

So there you have it, the three simple keys to growing your money:

• Make money.

• Save money.

• Grow your money.

Now while these keys seem simple on paper, putting them into practice is a bit trickier.

Most people struggle. They have problems bringing in enough extra money to save. Then once they do bring in extra money, they tend to spend it rather than save it. A lot of folks never even give a proper thought to investing. Since you’ve read this far,

I know you’re different. You want to learn more about making money, saving money, and investing money. You want financial security. You want the peace of mind that comes with growing a big nest egg in your bank account.

The good news is you can take a giant step towards your goals starting right now.

All you have to do is join the Wealth Upgrade Club today to discover what the world’s best investors know about making, saving and investing money. Join them right now by clicking here: – and do it now, because today is the best time to start planning for the future!

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc. &

And yes, they imagine a few perks, such as fun vacations and nights out on the town. A lot of these same folks equate “being wealthy” with making money. Or they equate being wealthy with having a big house and a nice car. But here’s the thing…

Just making a lot of money won’t make you wealthy. And if the bank owns your car and your house – no matter how big and fancy they are – then you aren’t wealthy.

You are just another person in debt, living beyond your means. Being truly wealthy means you accumulate money.

It means you grow your money. It means you own your assets (rather than having bank-owned assets with huge payments that leave you struggling every month).

If you want to be THAT kind of wealthy, then take a look at these three keys to wealth. They may be simple, but don’t overlook them because of their simplicity…

Key #1: Making Money So this is perhaps the most obvious key. In order to start building that savings account, you need to make money. This might be from a job. It might be from a business.

It might even be from some combination of a job and business. But the point is, you need to have a regular source of income coming in. And, most importantly, this regular source of income needs to be more than you need for your basic living expenses.

Which brings us to the second key…

Key #2: Saving Money A lot of folks who start bringing in money act like that money is burning a hole in their pocket. They just have to spend it. And sometimes they end up nickel and diming themselves to death.

For example, a twice-a-day Starbucks coffee and muffin habit can easily end up a couple thousand dollars per year. Going for a “night out on the town” four or five times a month is another way to slide a lot of money out of your bank account fast.

Or how about some of those bills that you pay without really thinking about, like your cable bill? A lot of people pay well over $100 for hundreds of channels they don’t watch.

Those are the types of bills you can easily scale back on without feeling like you’re making a huge sacrifice. Which brings us to the next point…

Just how much do you have to sacrifice, anyway?

The answer to that depends on how wealthy you want to become, how much you’re currently saving, and how much money you’re currently spending.

But here’s some good news: it’s about balance. You see, you don’t need to eat cheap 10 cent Top Ramen soup packets for every meal.

You don’t need to sell your car and start taking the bus. You don’t need to go live in a box on the street just to save money on the mortgage or the rent. After all, the future isn’t guaranteed.

So it’s not going to do you a whole lot of good if you sacrifice all your life just to die with a few million dollars in the bank.

So what you need to do is get smart about your financial future. And the way to do that is by establishing some goals. First and foremost, you need to sock away some money for emergencies.

Typically, this means putting about six month’s worth of living expenses into an easily accessible savings account. That way if you lose your job, if your business tanks, if you get sick, or if your other regular source of income dries up, you’ll still be okay.

You’ll have a six-month cushion. Secondly, you probably have some short-term savings goal. For example maybe you want to sock away a few thousand dollars for a vacation next year.

Or perhaps you have another major purchase coming up, such as some house maintenance or remodeling, a wedding, or some other activity.

In all cases, you need to determine exactly how much money you need, and the date by which you need it. Then you can figure out how much money you’ll need to save each month in order to obtain your goal. So what about retirement and other long-term savings goals?

Well, you do need to save money each and every month for your retirement. However, you don’t want to just put all this money into a savings account. Instead, what you want to do is invest it to grow it.

Which brings us to the third key…

Key #3: Investing Money The final key to wealth is to put your money to work for you. And that means you need to invest it. Now, the good news is that there are a lot of different ways to invest your money, so you’re sure to find a balance that suits your needs.

Here are some of the more popular ways:

• Stocks.

• Bonds.

• Mutual funds.

• Investing directly in business (your own business or someone else’s business).

• Artwork, antiques, precious metals.

• Real estate. There are two keys to choosing the right investment for you.

First, you need to assess your own risk tolerance, and then choose investments that best match your risk tolerance.

Your risk tolerance depends on factors such as how many years you have to save for a particular goal, as well as how comfortable you are with certain types of investments.

General rule of thumb: investments that come with the potential for a high reward also come with a high amount of risks. And likewise, low-reward investments tend to be less risky. For example, young people who are saving for retirement may opt for a portfolio with riskier stocks, simply because they have decades to recover

if one of their risky stocks suffers. On the other hand, someone who is near retirement age will put their money into much safer investments.

Naturally, neither group should put all their money into one type of investment, which brings us to the next point…

Secondly, you need to diversify. Diversifying is a natural way to spread out the risk. You can diversify by putting money into a variety of investments, such as stocks, real estate, business investments and so on.

You can also diversify within each specific type of investment.

For example, if you’re investing in stocks, then invest in a mix of companies across different industries, some of which are well-established.

Conclusion So there you have it, the three simple keys to growing your money:

• Make money.

• Save money.

• Grow your money.

Now while these keys seem simple on paper, putting them into practice is a bit trickier. Most people struggle. They have problems bringing in enough extra money to save. Then once they do bring in extra money, they tend to spend it rather than save it.

A lot of folks never even give a proper thought to investing. Since you’ve read this far, I know you’re different.

You want to learn more about making money, saving money, and investing money. You want financial security. You want the peace of mind that comes with growing a big nest egg in your bank account.

The good news is you can take a giant step towards your goals starting right now. All you have to do is join the Wealth Upgrade Club today to discover what the world’s best investors know about making, saving and investing money.

Join them right now by clicking here: – and do it now, because today is the best time to start planning for the future!

Special permission to republish this article was granted by Promote Labs Inc. &

Linkedin and Networking How To Make It Work

Linkedin and Networking How To Make It Work

Recently I was at a networking event where the speaker was describing the contrast of authentic in person relationships vs social media relationships. While I agreed with the basic premise that personal relationships are more powerful than media based relationships. I will argue that the influence is not as great as we might imagine. Before I explain why the rest of my experience will illustrate the biggest disconnect I see between social relationships vs personal relationships.

In this networking meeting the speaker continued to argue that his results from using Linkedin as a relationship builder and influencer were very weak in comparison to calling someone and asking for the same thing. This speaker continued to share that he hired someone to connect and send messages to people regarding an event he wanted them to go to. From his results he said it was a failure. His conclusion was that you get a better result by meeting people in person and developing real authentic relationships.

Now while this speaker had valid points I saw him as an example of why people give up on social media as a networking tool and as an influencing medium. The simple explanation is “delayed response” A majority of people want instant results, they want instant reaction and if they don’t get it they move on. When we are in front of someone speaking to them our non verbal reaction provides an instant response. When social media was first introduced people reacted quickly and that was an expectation. As time moved on more social networks divided our attention and as a result the effectiveness decreased.

To combat the influx of social media options the simple solution that I have discovered is “be authentic”

Using Linkedin as an example I will identify how social media can be as effective in influencing people as traditional belly to belly conversations. Before I begin I want to explain that Linkedin is a plain and boring platform to work with and most people are not responsive; but with a few simple tweaks Linkedin has been a valuable asset in my efforts to curry influence.

I have listed the top 3 things that are required to make the most of this social network.

  1. Build a Real Network – I have about 15k connections on Linkedin. About 14500 are worthless to me, when I started out I missed the true purpose of social media and the best way to use it. Now everywhere I go I send a connection request to everyone I meet. When they connect I send a message, and I keep sending messages that are specific about them and are not selling anything other than a meeting depending on what I can do for them.
  2. Communicate Value – When I send a message through Linkedin it can be about our last meeting something I learned about them, or something that we can laugh about together. Over time I communicate my interest in them, but over time if I am consistent I not only am developing a real relationship but my past conversations will help me to be more specific when I have a large request.
  3. Communicate Often – By posting through your feed and sending personal messages when appropriate the result will be that you will have a stronger and lasting impression. Because you will probably see these people in the future at another event when you speak in person you the reaction to you will be more favorable.

Common mistakes in using social media is that it’s just for fun, politics or causes. The truth is that social media is a reflection of who you are. So the big takeaway is be wise about who you invite into your network and be smart about what you post. The other mistake is believing that every social network is the same. Linkedin is designed for people who want to do business, or be apart of a business. Facebook is designed as a social information center. It’s best use is for personal use, but with fb ads it can be used to influence people like commercials influence people on TV. Twitter is designed to help people share short messages and media with little filtering.

Finding your voice is the key to success using social media and being consistent in how you build and communicate will give you the advantage when you meet or speak in person.

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